Saturday, May 19, 2012

water time

It has been rather hot and Anistyn hates to be inside. Every time we let Jax out, she is right behind him. Or if we open the door, she is right behind you. Travis thought we should take her to a splash park since the last time we tried with Wendy and her kids the park hadn't open yet. She was having a good time but seem kind of reluctant and we weren't to found of all the others kids there either. They were much older and wasn't looking where they were going so we ended up in the park area but the stuff there was rather warm. So much for getting out of the house.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Anistyn and Timmy taking a bath.

Anistyn had not taken a bath with another kid before, so over the Thanksgiving weekend Wendy agreed to let Anistyn and Timmy take a bath together.Anistyn took up a lot of the tub and Timmy kept pulling himself up, but they did really well in the tub together.

Anistyn and Timmy Playing

Anistyn and Timmy playing so well together over Thanksgiving weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Taylors.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Saturday 09/03/2011

Travis had the day off. First Saturday off in a while so we anted to do something fun as a family besides just sit at home and do nothing. So we went to the aquarium at Arizona Mills Mall.

Just hanging out with the fish.

There were these bubbles that you could go into and it looked as if you were in the water with the fish.

Travis enjoyed it a little more then Anistyn.

Here we are looking at the sting rays.

Anistyn is getting a little hungry.

Don't they look like they are having fun.

Anistyn and Lisa in a bubble.

Just random fish picture.

Travis and Anistyn with the crabs, this is one of my favorite pictures for the day.

Here they are with the crawdads.

This is in the tunnel. It looks as if you are walking through the water.

There was a shark that kept swimming by that I was hoping Travis would get in the pictures but that didn't happen. Maybe next time. Anistyn kept trying to grab the fish but something was always in here way. She would get frustrated sometimes. We had a lot of fun, we will diffidently go back.


Last night I feed carrots to Anistyn and this is what she thought of them.

She enjoyed them so much she had them every where up her nose, even in her eyes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Bug

I had made this for Anistyn. We thought her nickname could be "little bug" but we haven't called her that.